Expanding the education about cataract is an important means to prevent blindness caused by phacolytic glaucoma. a hard brittle blue-white multivalent metallic element; resistant to corrosion and tarnishing. 开展白内障防盲教育是预防本病的重要手段。一种多价金属元素,坚硬、易碎、蓝白色,防腐防锈。
The casting is usually a fine grain casting with a very fine-grained outer diameter, which is resistant to atmospheric corrosion, a typical situation with pipes. 这种铸件通常为外径处晶粒非常细小的细晶粒铸件,能耐大气腐蚀,典型的情况是管子。
Known since ancient times, lead is so durable and resistant to corrosion that Roman lead pipes are still usable. 自古以来人们就知道铅的好处,它耐用且抗腐蚀,所以古罗马人的铅水管至今仍可使用。
Providing more versatility than plastics, rubber or metal, long-lasting castable urethane rollers are resistant to abrasion, corrosion and solvents. 聚氨酯浇铸滚轮比塑料,橡胶和金属滚轮更具耐磨性,耐腐蚀性和抗水解性,因此它的使用寿命最长。
To overcome the problem special copper alloys, which contain an inhibitor and undergo heat treatment, have been developed which are resistant to corrosion by dezincification. 为了解决这个问题,已经开发出一种特殊的铜合金,内含一种抑制成分,并经过热处理,能够抵御脱锌现象的侵蚀。
A bronze with 2-3% silicon that is resistant to corrosion. 含%硅的青铜,抗腐蚀。
Cost poor efficiency, height, mass nice, and have the very strong function resistant to corrosion not only. 不仅成本低、效率高、质量佳,而且有很强的抗腐蚀性能。
Polyesters are strong, colourfast, and resistant to corrosion and chemical attack but tend to build up a static electric charge. 聚酯很坚韧、不褪色、耐腐蚀和抗化学作用,但容易积累静电。
Comparing tests under water showed that the specimens with hierarchical coating were more resistant to corrosion and other damages than the specimens with only zinc coating or stainless steel coating. 与单独喷锌或喷不锈钢试样进行了水下对比试验,结果表明,喷涂阶梯涂层试样水下耐蚀和抗破坏效果显著。
The container of the battery, resistant to corrosion, heat and mechanical power. 电池的容器,保证电池密封,且具优良的耐腐蚀,耐热和耐机械力的性能。
Chamber is made by glass fiber reinforced plastic with whole mould, it is resistant to corrosion, high temperature and collision, easy to clean. 内外玻璃钢整体模压成型,耐酸碱耐腐蚀,耐高温,耐碰撞,易清洗。
We need building materials which are resistant to atmospheric corrosion. 我们需要耐空气腐蚀的建筑材料。
Any metal that is resistant to corrosion or oxidation. 任何抗腐蚀、抗氧化的金属。
The effects of the way of bonding on the mechanical result of strengthening were also researched, since externally bonded CFRP is also resistant to corrosion in corrosive environments. 由于在高腐蚀环境下,表面粘贴CFRP还具有防腐作用,因此还研究了粘贴方式对加固力学效果的影响。
Balls manufactured from ceramic materials are extremely resistant to corrosion and abrasion, and offer excellent performance characteristics. 球从制造的陶瓷材料是极其耐腐蚀和磨损,并提供优良的性能特点。
Results showed that the seam of the alloy was more resistant to the corrosion, and the mass loss was about 1/ 4 of that in parent metal. 结果表明,焊接金属的抗空蚀性能明显高于母材,焊缝金属的空蚀累积失重及失重率均约为母材的1/4。
Technical Progress in Development of High Strength Stainless Steel Resistant to Seawater Corrosion 高强耐海水腐蚀不锈钢研制技术进展
Development of High Chromium Cast Stainless Steel Resistant to Aqueous Alkali Corrosion at Elevated Temperature 抗高温碱腐蚀的新型高铬铸造不锈钢的研制
Study and Applications of Materials Resistant to Liquid Zinc Corrosion 耐液态锌腐蚀材料的研究和应用
The strength of material used for making the fixator is good, capability of biocompatible is satisfactory, mass of the meter is light, resistant to corrosion. 外固定器的材料强度好,生物相融性好,质量轻,耐腐蚀。
When Mo and W were put in the Co catalyst, it would be more resistant to corrosion, but the catalysis activity was nearly not increased. 对Co催化剂采用掺杂Mo或W后发现,催化剂的抗腐蚀性能增加了,但是催化剂的活性基本不变。
They both can modify metal part surface texture to improve mechanical properties, one of which they can impress the compressive stress into surfaces to make work piece have more resistant to stress corrosion cracking and extend its fatigue life. 它们都能改善金属零件表面的机械性能,尤其是在表面产生压缩应力,使零件的抗应力腐蚀等能力大为提高,从而延长零件的疲劳寿命。
Welding procedure and resistant to corrosion properties for welded joint of 20/ 0cr18ni9 clad pipe 20/0Cr18Ni9复合管焊接工艺和接头的抗腐蚀性能
Alloy design of cobalt-free, nickel base superalloy resistant to hot corrosion 抗热腐蚀无钴镍基铸造高温合金的设计
It is shown by testing results that a bad rod resistant to stress corrosion can be promoted to an excellent rod thus reach even beyond the request of standard. 应力腐蚀测试结果表明,原耐应力腐蚀性能很差的芯棒可改变为能达到应力腐蚀标准的芯棒,且远远超过标准要求。
Epoxy resin is widely used in the area of mechanical, electrical and national defense industry because of its excellent mechanical and electrical properties, high resistant to corrosion, humidity and aging. 环氧树脂以其优异的机械性能、电气性能和良好的耐腐蚀性、耐潮湿性、老化性,被广泛用于机械、电子、建筑、国防等领域。
Cu-Ni-Sn alloy has been caused more and more attention due to its high strength, good mouldability, excellent anti-friction and resistant to corrosion. Cu-Ni-Sn系合金由于高强度、高弹性、优良减磨性和抗腐蚀性优越等特点,引起了越来越多的关注。
Titanium alloys are widespread availability in aviation industry due to the high strength-to-weight and the resistant to corrosion. 钛合金具有比强度高、质量轻、耐腐蚀等特点,在航空航天等领域上获得了较为广泛的应用。